Config Explained.
BBV X WORLD | BLACKLIST - Config Explained.
Upon successfully installing the resources, you are now ready to begin configuring. Here's a straightforward explanation of the purpose of each option to guide you through the editing process.
Config = {}
-- QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() -- uncomment if you use QBCore
-- ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject() -- uncomment if you use ESX
Config.Settings = {
Framework = "ST", -- QB/ESX/ST (ST - Standalone) used for the notify
Target = "ST", -- OX/QB/BT/ST (ST - None/Standalone)
InteractKey = 38, -- Interact key used for Standalone Target.
Replay = {
-- If enabled player will be able to replay races if they have already won them | /blacklist replay [level]
-- Time will be used for the leaderboard
-- If disabled players will be able to play the races only once and the leaderboard will use only their first succesful attempts.
Enabled = false,
Command = "replay" -- /blacklist replay [level]
CheckPoints = {
Sound = true, -- sound when you take a checkpoint.
Color = {
r = 255, -- Red
g = 255, -- Green
b = 255, -- Blue
a = 100, -- alpha (how transparent the checkpoint is)
RaceBlips = { -- Blips of the checkpoints shows on the minimap
Sprite = 309,
Color = 1,
Scale = 0.8,
OpponentCarBlip = { -- blip of the opponents vehicle.
Sprite = 646,
Color = 1,
Scale = 0.8,
TimerCheckpoints = { -- Position of the UI that shows the checkpoints and the time.
Checkpoints = { -- Position of the checkpoints (current/max)
x = 0.020,
y = 0.70,
Timer = { -- Position of the timer (00:00:00)
x = 0.09,
y = 0.70,
Config.Rewards = {
Enabled = false,
Type = 'cash',
[1] = 1000, -- Reward for race #1
[2] = 1000, -- Reward for race #2
[3] = 1000, -- Reward for race #3
[4] = 1000, -- Reward for race #4
[5] = 1000, -- Reward for race #5
[6] = 1000, -- Reward for race #6
[7] = 1000, -- Reward for race #7
[8] = 1000, -- Reward for race #8
[9] = 1000, -- Reward for race #9
[10] = 1000, -- Reward for race #1
Config.MainLoc = {
Cars = {
Car1 = {
pos = vector4(530.4, -2405.84, 5.89, 282.38),
model = 'elegy',
Car2 = {
pos = vector4(523.81, -2405.11, 5.91, 351.36),
model = 'tempesta',
Peds = {
Peds1 = {
pos = vector4(527.54, -2405.8, 5.9, 350.7),
model = 'cs_wade',
interact = 'bbv-blacklist:maps',
lang = 'Current Map',
blip = {
sprite = 315,
color = 3,
scale = 0.5,
Peds2 = {
pos = vector4(525.95, -2404.79, 5.91, 291.45),
model = 'csb_car3guy1',
interact = 'bbv-blacklist:times',
lang = 'Times',
blip = {
sprite = 315,
color = 3,
scale = 0.5,
Peds3 = {
pos = vector4(527.37, -2403.34, 5.9, 337.77),
model = 'csb_ramp_mex',
interact = 'bbv-blacklist:boss',
lang = 'Blacklist',
blip = {
sprite = 315,
color = 3,
scale = 0.5,
Peds4 = {
pos = vector4(536.56, -2407.0, 5.88, 59.57),
model = 'csb_ramp_mex',
interact = 'bbv-blacklist:leaderboard',
lang = 'Leaderboard',
blip = {
sprite = 315,
color = 3,
scale = 0.5,
Config.PoliceVehicles = {
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